I'm not much of a socialiser because I'm a little tough on the you're-not-like minded part. But I'm seeing this whole new side to myself. I'd like to think it's the "chiller" in me. Seldom do I indulge in "rendezvous over coffee". But it worked reasonably well for me this weekend. For one I detested the blaring music in Route 04. One of the rare moments when I felt that music was hindering a prospective conversation and that's absolutely unacceptable. ( Also, I had a sore throat).
I need to Google the prime purpose that a parentheses serves.
I've gotten back to my regular sleeping pattern and that's a relief. It's never a pleasure to think constantly about how to vile away time, time meant for being in a solemn state of slumber.
The weather is ideal which is how and/or why I got myself to finally experience the Bullet rides. De-stressing for sure. Consistent momentum. Easy travel. Finding narrow escapes. Not minding a frozen face. Starkly contrasting the confined space of a four wheeler. And the raised pillion seat does provide a false sense of an elevated self.
Back to the routine tomorrow. Hardly a routine actually. When your studies start to interest you, a brand new life begins. The large portion of stress shrinks and there you have, a small and enjoyable meal which you will certainly savour.
No, I'm not going to quite describing novels like recipes just because my professor didn't like the idea. I can't stick to the routine description of it being "extravagantly luring" or "brilliant in form". It always was and will be the perfect blend of satire and tragedy sprinkled generously on an XYZ century base. There. Now THAT's what you want to read.
I was listening to You Make Me Feel by Aretha Franklin being played while dinner last night. Although I didn't know that that was being played or she was singing when I heard it then. Anyway, I wanted to play it while my feminism lecture was in process. Better still, I want to play it in a class with radical feminists. The room will be ignited, they will attack and resent and Aretha Franklin will be pleasantly satisfied about the man's love as the key to "peace my mind".
Whatte fun!